Quite simply there are better houses for your money elsewhere.

Its location is not ideal within the city, and for the most part you can skip this one unless you are like me and want to collect all the houses in the game. Vlindrel Hall is only marginally more expensive than Breezehome and is a pretty significant upgrade in terms of storage. After turning in the shield you will have permission to buy the house. Unfortunately I cannot tell you exactly where his shield is located because its position is random, but follow your quest markers and you will soon have it in hand. The second is to complete the quest “ Recover Hrolfdir’s Shield”.

The first is a generic bounty-type quest, in which you are sent out to kill a Forsworn leader at a random location. The rightful lord of Markarth will send you on two quests, both of which you must complete. If instead you choose the correct side and stand with the empire, you will have to make your way into Understone Keep and have a few words with Jarl Igmund. If you are looking for the path of least resistance to obtaining this house, simply side with the Stormcloaks and then ask Jarl Thongvor Silver-Blood for permission to buy the house. Markarth is a city of complications, and obtaining a house is no different.

Most houses in the game have a fairly straightforward method to obtaining them. Due to the ever present danger of Forsworn insurrection, it is not the first place I would choose for my home personally. Located some distance south from Solitude, in the former dwemer city of Nchuand-Zel, Vlindrel Hall is your home if you love the confusing multi-tiered but undeniably beautiful city of stone.